The Importance of Property Marketing for Landlords in Phoenix, AZ

The Importance of Property Marketing for Landlords in Phoenix, AZ

When searching for available properties, nearly 50% of people look online first. Without a digital property marketing strategy, your properties won't appear. You could miss the chance to generate applications and improve your occupancy rate.

Instead of losing revenue, invest in property marketing in Phoenix, AZ. An experienced property management company will ensure tenants find your listings online.

Not sure if you need Phoenix property management marketing services? Read on to discover why marketing is essential to your efforts before making a choice!

Generate Visibility

Without digital marketing, your listings may not appear when someone searches for Phoenix rentals. About 68% of activity online begins with a search engine. However, 75% of individuals never look beyond the first page of results.

If your listings don't appear for relevant searches, they won't generate visibility. These renters will turn to other Phoenix properties instead.

Before that happens, invest in an omnichannel marketing strategy. An omnichannel strategy allows you to appear on multiple platforms. You can use a comprehensive approach through:

  • Content creation
  • Search engine optimization
  • Paid advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing

Your property management company can create and review your campaigns on your behalf. They'll ensure more people find your properties online. As you appear for relevant searches, you'll gain more visibility.

Gaining an online presence will help you direct more traffic to your listings. You'll appear in front of a larger tenant pool, potentially leading to more renters. You could boost your occupancy rate and income potential.


Potential renters won't choose your investment properties if they can't find any information about your business. Your property managers can help you generate positive reviews from previous renters.

Generating positive reviews will help you gain credibility. About 92% of people trust peer recommendations. Businesses with over 25 current reviews generate 108% more revenue on average.

Gaining reviews can benefit your search engine rankings. You can use search engine optimization and content creation to generate more credibility.

Save Time

Developing an effective property marketing strategy can become time-consuming and stressful. Trust your experienced property managers. They already know of effective techniques for property investors.

Otherwise, learning how to create an effective campaign can steal time from your already busy schedule. You'll also need to review your campaigns. Your property managers can track your progress and make adjustments as needed, improving your ROI.

Cost Efficiency

Trying to learn the ropes of unfamiliar marketing strategies can lead to costly trial and error. Instead, allow your Phoenix property management company to create your campaigns.

Leveraging their experience and expertise will help you avoid making costly mistakes. Instead, you can execute marketing campaigns without overspending.

Remember, your property managers can make adjustments to your campaigns. They'll review the data and recognize trends and effective tactics. Making adjustments can help you generate better results.

Invest in Property Marketing Services

You don't have to develop your property marketing strategy alone. Instead, rely on experienced Phoenix property managers. With their help, you can improve your occupancy rate and generate more revenue from your properties.

PMI Phoenix Golden West uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure each client's success. You can depend on our award-winning services and 20 years of experience. Contact us today to develop your property marketing strategy.
